Chewing sugarless gum after a meal can be highly effective at reducing cravings for a cigarette. The chewing action keeps your mouth busy and helps fight nicotine withdrawal. Also, since the average person gains a few pounds after quitting, chewing sugar free gum can also act as a distraction rather than food.
Similar to sugar-free gum, eating a small amount of fruits and raw vegetables can help reduce cravings and limit weight gain. For example, one 12-inch stalk of celery contains only 10 calories. Veggies can help with cravings, however if veggies aren’t your idea of dessert, sucking on sugar-free sweets can also help provide distraction from cravings.
Taking deep breaths can help you relax and keep your mind focused. After cleaning the table and washing the dishes, find a quiet spot where you can relax, breathe deeply and count each breath. Your heart rate should slow down and you should feel calmer. Keep a rhythm. Do this 10 times and you should feel a distinct difference.
Wait 15 minutes for the cigarette craving to pass. Read a book, listen to music, scan your favourite blogs for interesting articles to read, play a game on your mobile phone, text a friend or go for a short walk. Before you know it, the craving will pass since they typically only last a few minutes.
Monya thinks it’s important to always keep your hands busy in order to stop yourself reaching for that cigarette.
Watch video >Fight cigarette cravings and keep the weight off with these healthy food options.
Learn more >Whether it’s running a marathon, starting a business or quitting smoking, there are proven strategies.
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